
Selasa, 09 September 2008

Adventures in Mothering

I was finally able to upload the MOPS Adventures video I worked so hard on. It wasn't that it was really that hard, actually it was quite fun when I finally got the video reformatted and imported on my iMac. Mac's program, iMovie is a breeze to use. I still love my Mac with every beat of my heart and pat her pretty screen and whisper sweet nothings into her pretty apple shaped ear. My only problems occur when we try to venture out with our Mac-based-product into the PC world. As we tried to show it this morning at the meeting, the laptop's Window's Vista kept shutting down Apple's "friendly" QuickTime. Does anyone really like Vista? I haven't found anyone who does and my feelings of extreme disdain were reinforced when Vista repeatedly rejected my friendly video as 60+ women waited to watch it. Thankfully there is no problem getting 60+ starved-for-conversation moms to talk and stall on time and we finally tricked Vista into playing the video.

If you would like to wait for the download, feel free to watch the video that introduces the MOPS year and the steering team I work with: Jacqui (coordinator), Kelly (finances), Kelleigh (discussion group team leader), Odessa (creative activities), Carole (Mentor Moms), Kellie (hospitality), and Sandy (Childcare coordinator). Most of these ladies have blogs and most of these ladies are named Kell-y-ie-eigh. It is a fun team!

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