Have you read this book? No? Neither have I. I really want to though. And that should count for something. I own and read the original "Love Languages" book and found it immensely helpful. The book talks about how people express and receive love. There are 5 categories: receiving gifts, physical touch, acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. Everyone has one or two that they naturally use to express love. You wouldn't believe the troubles that come up when a "gift receiver" marries an "acts of service" kind of guy. Here is a link: The Five Love Languages.
I know for certain what my children's love languages are: Emma is a gift receiver/giver and Mandy needs lots and lots of physical touch. I want to see what the authors say about nurturing their individual needs, so I'll be reading the book soon. In the meantime, this is Emma's latest expression of love...
Spring is here early and the Daffodils started blooming last weekend. Every day since, rain or shine, Emma sneaks outside with a pair of scissors to cut flowers for me. Before she leaves, she comes up to me and motions that she want to whisper in my ear. Instead of pointing her mouth to my ear, she presses her ear against mine and says softly, "I need to do something outside. It's something special for you." I love the way she tells her secrets and I'm not about to correct her little-girl silliness. I watch from the window as she sneaks around the yard looking for freshly blooming Daffodils. Often Emma will return and hide the flowers until she's had a chance to make me a card. Presentation is everything with this girl. She hides her gifts behind her back and gets my full attention. I must close my eyes and then she give me her gifts. I "ooh" and "ahh" and say "thank you so much" and she says, "It's your Mother's Day." And my heart melts.
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