
Sabtu, 29 November 2008

The bag lady

I just finished another bag and I am truly going to have a hard time giving this one away. I love this one even though it caused me major frustrations. My life would be much easier if I just followed directions.

I didn't have enough fabric to make the bag exactly like I wanted it, so I invented my own design that had the main portion of the bag as one piece with one seam and the bottom contrasting with piping for support. It worked out fine, but was much harder when it came to sewing in the lining to match it up. My other frustration involved taking out all the precisely placed pins as I sewed the seam to completion only to discover the machine had run out of bobbin thread at the beginning. Sewing is such a headache sometimes.

This is my first day at home all week, so I need to get more projects done. Hope you are all in the USA are enjoying your holiday weekend. Thanksgiving was great and the shopping was SO fun. Did you get up early and shop and get the deals?

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