Sabtu, 29 November 2008
The bag lady
Jumat, 28 November 2008
A year in the life of a blond...
February - Ordered new drapes for her computer because it had
March - Got excited when she finished a jigsaw puzzle in six months
because the box said "2-4 years."
April - Was trapped on an escalator for hours when the power went
May - Couldn't make Kool-Aid because 8 cups of water wouldn't fit
into the little packet.
June - Couldn't learn to water ski because she couldn't find a lake
with a slope.
July - After losing in a breast stroke swimming competition,
complained to the judges that the other
swimmers were using their arms.
August - Told her blonde friend to hurry when trying to get into
their locked car using a coat hanger
because it was starting to rain and the top was down.
September - When asked what the capital of California was, she
answered "C".
October - Hates M &Ms because they are so hard to peel. Threw away
half because they were misprinted W&W.
November - Baked a turkey for four days because the instructions
said one hour per pound and she weighed 120.
December - Couldn't call 911 because there was no "11" on any phone
button. Read More.. Read More..
Selasa, 25 November 2008
It's that time of year... almost
Senin, 24 November 2008
Blessed be the name of the Lord
The baby was squawking from her crib and I entered her warm room to get her. Mandy is a very loving girl and I always except a hug after her rests. As usual, she wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. It had been a busy and frustrating day, so I sat down to enjoy the love in the funny colored peach rocking chair with ink on the arm in the corner of her room. Even as she lay on me, I observed many different things I should be doing; there was the bottle of milk that lay upside down on the floor dripping hours old milk, 2 totes of baby clothes begging to be organized and put back in the closet, a laundry basket full of folded sweet girl clothes needing to be put into drawers, and there was Emma who burst into the room with a look on her face that said, "What are you doing giving love away to my sibling and not me?"
"We're just rocking. Do you want to sit with us?" I asked her. She thought about it for a moment. I could tell the independent 4 year old was thinking she didn't need this kind of entertainment, but she succumbed and climbed up on my lap for some reluctant rocking. She asked me to sing that Mocking Bird song so I did. I sang all the words that I could remember from that crazy tune and kept rocking. The girl's matching white blond hair tickled my chin as their heads rested on my shoulders and I felt love and contentment beyond anything of this world. The perfect feeling was helped by the warm peaceful room and the chair that rocked us was so comfy even though any interior decorator would have rejected it at least a decade ago.
I expected the moment of snuggling to be a fleeting one, so I soaked up each second. Emma said, "Sing more songs." I sang what came to my mind, from Silent Night to "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart." It was like a bad 80' mix tape, but I kept singing and rocking and the girls kept snuggling me. I remembered a song from church, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord, and I sang that too.
My voice cracked as tears of thankfulness tightened my throat. I heard my voice wobble and I knew this was not a performance that would win any awards on earth. This moment of tenderness was a blessing in its purest form and the beautiful words to this song helped me turn my emotions and my busy frustrating day into praise to the Lord who gives and takes away.
Soon Mandy wiggled off my lap to go find the dripping bottle of old milk and Emma jumped down to play in the baby clothes I should have put away since she thinks they fit her doll. I wiped the tears of happiness from my eyes and prepared to continue on, feeling completely renewed and blessed by our 10 minutes of rocking and singing. This was better than a jolt of caffeine from a carmel mocha or those yummy coffee beans that I was craving. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Jumat, 21 November 2008
Sewing hand cramps at daycare with yellow nutrition
Kamis, 20 November 2008
Rabu, 19 November 2008
Senin, 17 November 2008
Sunday morning fashion
Emma always picks out what she wears and dresses herself; most of the time there is more than one outfit per day. She loves clothes and loves mixing and matching. I must admit that I rarely argue with her any more because she is so happy in her sometimes strange outfits.
Minggu, 16 November 2008
Growing up
Jumat, 14 November 2008
Health care coverage for our family is a major stressor to me. Being self employed, it is expensive and we rarely use health care, but I feel it is unwise to not have any insurance. We wrestle with seeking to trust God 100% in our health issues and also wanting to use our resources wisely in the case of a catastrophic health crisis that our emergency fund won't cover. We've all heard the horror stories of people who went from totally healthy to 100s of thousands of dollars in medical bills within weeks. Do we burdon our family now with monthly premiums that we see little result from, or do we bankrupt the family later in the event that one of us has an expensive medical issue?
The struggle begins when we look at the hundreds of dollars we spend each month for private health insurance and then see how little it has benefited us. My husband for example has been to the doctor once in 30 years, making $180 standard office visit worth about $50,000 in premiums, assuming he has had medical coverage for 30 years. We were obviously very thankful for health insurance when I was hospitalized 3 times during my first pregnancy and also for the second, typical pregnancy. Our insurance paid $7,000 the first time and $3,000 the second pregnancy. We considered that money we saved until we added up our monthly premiums and we could have paid for both of the pregnancies/births out of pocket for the same cost over the years.
Recently, I heard about Medi-Share and it sounds like a great alternative. It is "a Christian alternative to health insurance. It's a primary health care program with real care at an affordable cost where members share and pay the bulk of your bills for you up to $1 million per incident. Drs and hospitals do bill Medi-Share directly just like they would insurance using the standard insurance claim forms that they're used to always using."
I've searched the web for something bad about Medi-Share and haven't found anything. I love that it is Christian. I love that they support people who live a healthy lifestyle and that my money actually goes to people in need. So, with all that said, I guess I am just putting out this other option for medical coverage. My current insurance through Providence Health Systems just went up 30%. Seriously, who can afford a 30% increase? I can't see a downside to saving our family $4,000 a year through Medi-Share and still being covered in case of a catastrophic emergency. Do you know anyone who uses this Medi-Share program? I would appreciate your feedback to point out anything I missed in this dilemma.
Read More.. Read More..Kamis, 13 November 2008
My projects for today:
Rabu, 12 November 2008
Digital Scrapbooking

Selasa, 11 November 2008
Celebrate our freedom on Veteran's Day

Senin, 10 November 2008
A princess cake
Minggu, 09 November 2008
Happy 4 year old....

Jumat, 07 November 2008
For sale:
Kamis, 06 November 2008
My name is...
Selasa, 04 November 2008
Home again guarding the fort
1. We drove 3,011 miles and spent 56 hours in our very comfy and functional mini van going from our house to BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan via Washington and Idaho.
2. Amanda and her family were so fun to be with in Nipawin. The baby didn't present itself like I had hoped. Amanda was pretty uncomfortable. We look forward to their exciting news soon.
5. We attempted to climb Sulfur Mountain woefully unprepared. Jeff and I summated the mountain pretty easily when we hiked it 6 years ago in August, minus 2 children, ice and snow. I can now say that I don't need to summit the mountain in order to conquer it. Maybe a good lesson for life in general.
6. A few rural Canadian towns are famous for their "biggest" somethings. On the drive, we saw the biggest dinosaur, pinto bean, teepee, and truck. You don't have that kind of fun in an airplane.
7. Emma is a really good traveler and is always up for an adventure especially mountain climbing, swimming, seeing trains, and playing with Liam's toys.
8. Mandy teethed 2 top molars and 2 bottom front teeth on the trip. She did really well considering her pain. She's a real trooper.
9. I had a run in with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Medicine Hat, Alberta, at 2:30am. I was speeding through on their deserted and well lit highway at 80 kilometers per hour (about 50mph) and missed the sign to slow my speed to 50 kph (about 35mph). The police guy, who looked eerily similar to Benton Frasier from Due South, was quite pleasant and apologized for pulling me over and disrupting my journey. He thankfully did not give me a ticket.
10. Our time together as a family was priceless and we had a really fun time. It is also very good to be home and out of the car.