
Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Where, oh where have I been?

Hopefully you can't catch the flu from a blog post because I think I am still contagious. I had a great day on Sunday and a date with my husband. We went to Quiznos and had our free sub and then went to the $3 theater and saw 7 Pounds. Being alone with my husband thrills me to my toes; hand holding, not being interrupted, no diapers to change, no meals that have to be cut up and shared. I love my children, but being alone with my first love is so rewarding.

And then I started to feel sick on Sunday night. This flu seized me and had me running for the bathroom to do some porcelain acrobatics. One nice thing was that my parents came Sunday and were staying with us until today. Having a grandma/cook/housekeeper when I was sick was the such a blessing. I know from experience that my children rip the house to shreds when unattended, but they can survive on pretzels and water. Emma can even get cheese out of the fridge now and cut it by herself. She often forgets to put away her supplies though and then I see Mandy running around the house with a butcher knife in her mouth. Yes, healthy, attentive mommies are best.

I feel much better today, but rather "run through." I would not suggest this course of action for losing weight although I am 4 pounds lighter today than on Sunday. I really enjoy eating food and feeling good. It is so awful to feel that level of nausea with cramping. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Do I have any of those? I guess not. Ok, I wouldn't wish it on the super mean and non-understanding bank teller who wouldn't reverse a fee on my account today. It seems like Bank of America is tacking on any little fee they can think of these days before they crumble. I, for one, am not too happy about it, but that is for another post.

Here's to a sick free rest of the winter (and that no one else in my family gets this nasty bug)...

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