
Selasa, 28 September 2010

Dear Mom, it's my birthday.

Dear Mom,

On my daughter’s birthday, I stopped on the way to our little-girl-festivities to buy myself a gift. The day was all about her, yet I treated myself because I think of her birthday as partly my day too. No one got me a present or said, “Nice work on the child you bore and are raising.” But I was there. I fell in love with a precious child and became a mother to her on that day. I put in the hours and the emotion. It’s a special day for her... and for me.

So, I bought myself a coffee.

Today is my birthday. But I didn’t have to tell you that Mom. I’m sure the memories swirl around you, some vivid and some vague of a day 30 years ago. You became my mother, my life support. You remember because you were there. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you.

Thank you for carrying me in your body, for being uncomfortable, for going pee often and sleeping little, getting misshapen and then getting cut open so I could be born.

Thank you for adoring me when I was a 25 pound 6 month old with patchy hair and bad baby acne.

Thank you for the sacrifices you made so you could stay home and raise me.

Thank you for doing without so that I was never in need of anything.

Thank you for putting in the time to discipline me…. I never doubted your love.

Thank you for not selling me on the street corner during the difficult 2 year old years… and beyond. (Years 13-19 could be added to here as well).

Thank you for teaching me at home. Even when I didn’t like it, I appreciate the education you gave me. You taught me how to reason. And best of all, you passed on your love of reading and writing to me.

Thank you for allowing me to spread my wings. You always encouraged my independence. I hope I am as understanding, patient, and wise with my own children if one of them someday wants to tour Europe instead of finishing college.

Thank you for teaching me the value of hard work. You and dad modeled it yourself and encouraged, prodded, and made me work. I am thankful you did.

Thank you for praying for me when you didn’t know what else to do. The godly heritage you gave to me is priceless.

Thank you for being my mom.

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. 
 (Author Unknown)

Me and Mom at my 80s themed birthday party.
A mother's love knows no bounds.

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Senin, 27 September 2010

Preschool Counting Game

We are playing this game at our house this morning, so I thought I would share. It's a great way to teach counting and even math. I'm always on the lookout for tactical, learning activities that are applicable for my almost 6 year old and my barely 3 year old. A friend who teaches special education taught us this game. It is very versatile.

  • Print 5 sets of feet (or more if you want to go higher than 10), and cut out
  • Write a number on each foot
  • Have children try to put the numbers in order on the floor
  • Hide a number and have smaller children hunt for the missing number
  • Stand on numbers while counting (beginner addition) 
  • Try going backwards while counting (beginner subtraction)

The possibilities are endless. Have fun!

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Minggu, 26 September 2010

A Few Things

A few things that caught my eye last week...

1. New Baggu bags. Zipper pouches in many sizes and a No.6 collaboration.

2. Several cute belts at Anthropologie.

3. The perfect Fall look (denim shirt + black jeans + brown flat boots + red lips). Via Stockholm Street Style. Read More.. Read More..

Selasa, 21 September 2010

Truth or Lie. Part II.

Mandy thinks she is 7 years old.
True. Do not try to convince her that she is actually 3. It gets ugly.

I bought acid washed, peg-legged jeans.
There is an 80s party coming up and I bought the pants as part of my costume. 
I'm apprehensive to wear them,
but my husband has convinced me that I look foxy in them. 
Pictures may or may not follow of me actually wearing the pants.

I played air piano in front of church on Sunday.
This is also true. 
I was asked to play the last song during the morning service at church. I sat down at the keyboard and my fingers were tickling the faux ivories and.... nothing. The piano had zero sound. 
Everyone was staring. 
The pastor turned around expectantly and said, "Let's close in song," in that solemn pastor-like voice. 
I shook my head and said, "I got nothin'."
After a few moments, someone started singing "Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul". 
I couldn't have agreed more.

Mullets rock.
Again with the 80s party. Mullets rocked the 80s! As I was writing this post, I was shopping for mullet wigs online. 
They are extravagant in their obnoxiousness.


Sorry about that. 

I didn't end up ordering the wigs. For one, they are extravagant in their obnoxiousness. 
And two, I didn't want to spend $8 each plus $7 shipping and handling on something that would inhibit other guests from being able to eat their dinner.

We have a toddler sized zucchini in our garden.
True. It happens every year. I pick and pick and pick and then all of a sudden I have HUGE zucchini that I can't even lift out of the dirt.

The dapper ring-bearer outfits modeled above were only $15 each.

I'm turning 30 next week and am happy about it.
"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been."  
~Mark Twain

Jeff wrestled a cow and the cow won.
Jeff said, "He had 400 pounds on me and wouldn't listen to reason." A cow got into the barn where we store the hay and was wedged between the stacks. The result are some very bruised ribs. It could have been worse. Eek. 

Emma is working on inventing a machine that folds laundry
(go ahead and pre-order yours now).
Emma is very excited these days about inventing things. I enjoy watching her brain work. She often draws pictures and talks through the process. She's also working on a vacuum that sucks up toys and throws them into the correct location in a child's room.

Rem is walking fast and furious.
This right here is the lie. Rem isn't walking. Not even close. For being an early crawler, he has no interest in walking. 

I am painting my entryway a stellar shade of taupe.
I completed it yesterday. It is taupe-tacular.

I am painting an end table a stellar shade of red.
The jury is still out on whether or not this will happen. 

Thanks to all who participated in my quiz. As you can see, it's been eventful around here. :)

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Senin, 20 September 2010

Truth or Lie.

There is so much to blog about, but nothing that is itching for its own post.

So I thought I would play a little game of "Truth or Lie." The following is a list of possible blog posts for recent events around here. I could write about each one and bore you to tears. Or we could play this fun game!

Which one is not true?

Mandy thinks she is 7 years old.

I bought acid washed, peg-legged jeans.

I played air piano in front of church on Sunday.

Mullets rock.

We have a toddler sized zucchini in our garden.

The dapper ring-bearer outfits modeled above were only $15 each.

I'm turning 30 next week and am happy about it.

Jeff wrestled a cow and the cow won.

Emma is working on inventing a machine that folds laundry 
(go ahead and pre-order yours now).

Rem is walking fast and furious.

I am painting my entryway a stellar shade of taupe.

I am painting an end table a stellar shade of red.

Okay, that's it for now. One of the above sentences is a complete un-truth. All the others are completely true (no partial truths around here).

Leave a comment if you have a guess. :)

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Minggu, 19 September 2010

The Aesthete, Pt.2

I've been very pleased with the recent refocus on heritage brands and traditional American sportswear dressing. However, so much of this current trend has been geared towards Men. I often have a hard time finding some of these styles for Women.

I've mentioned here before that I am often inspired by menswear and one of my favorite menswear blogs is The Pursuit Aesthetic. They have a great feature called The Aesthete (which mostly features Men) - So, I have taken it upon myself to create looks for Women inspired by these outfits (or kits as they call them).

Here's a recent look...
Theirs: Above
Camp Comfort's:

Shirt by Chance ($95), Gap Skinny Cords ($59.50), Hazel Cox Earrings ($46), Gap Socks ($11.99), Blk Pine Tote ($78), Topshop Duffle Coat ($160), UO Suede Boots ($78). Read More.. Read More..

Kamis, 16 September 2010

Growing up... Mandy style.

It seems like my baby girl was just born on Septmber 16th, 2007... but three years passed somewhere in between.

I wrote this 3 years ago:

It's been 1 week since Mandy's birth. I am not quite sure what was longer, the week Mandy was over-due, or this last week with her here! The days and nights are full of challenges. James 1 is a huge encouragement to me and I think of this verse often: 'If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.' Of course, I replace the "he" with "she." This verse is profoundly encouraging whether my life's struggles are big or small. My God wants to help me out, pouring His peace over me when it feels like I don't have no clue.

Mandy is doing good and together we are getting better at nursing. She is a pretty lazy eater and left to her own devises, she would snack all day and all night. I would prefer full feedings every 3 hours or so and I think it is better for both of us in the long run. Whether you agree with demand feeding or not, it is exhausting and can be painful for a new mommy! I'm tired, but am making progress.



Those issues were huge at the time! Mandy was a challenging baby. The details are sketchy and I'm thankful that I took the time to blog.  I was reading through the forgotten archives and my words were just dripping with anxiety and fatigue. It was clear Mandy changed my opinion on everything I thought I knew about babies! 


My terrible memory makes me think back on those tiny-baby days with a smile. God gives that gift to women.... a faulty memory. All the painful, difficult, and stressful things fade compared to the beauty of that sweet baby in my arms. 

Mandy learned to smile and giggle very early.

Mandy at 1 year old.

Dear Mandy,

I'm so thankful for you. When God created you, He did everything perfect, knowing what our family needed. And likewise, God knew exactly who you needed for a family. Your smiling exuberance brings such joy to us.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, I looked forward to getting to know you. Those bumps and constant wiggles in my womb made me long to hold you in my arms. I knew you would bless us when you finally arrived. I just couldn't have imagined how beautiful and priceless you would be.

You ran through your toddler years and now you are 3 years old. Your laugh rings through the house and I love your happiness. You love to make people smile and have always been our lovey girl. You have a huge capasity to love. That is why I pray this verse for you:

"I pray that you... may grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know the love that surpasses all knowledge...". Eph. 3:17b-18

I anticipate with excitement watching you grow in the coming year. In the last year you were potty trained! You grew tall and look like a little girl instead of a baby. You amaze me with your clear speech that often sounds like you are from the South. The funny things you say to brighten my day. Lately you say to me, "Mommy, I love you just the way you are." 

Precious Mandy, I love you just the way you are too! God made you special and I pray that as you grow, you mature in your desire to obey. By obeying me and daddy, you are learning how to obey God. The tantrums that overcome you at times tell me you are looking hard for your independence. I want to let you grow, but in the security of boundaries. I pray you always know our love.

Happy Birthday my 3 year old!



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Rabu, 15 September 2010

Pillow Pet Acquisition Day

My girls go bazzerk over this commercial. It's a pillow. It's a pet. What's not to love?

The Pillow Pet was an empty pipe dream at $20... until recently. We were at the State Fair and walked right passed a booth displaying Pillow Pets. Emma was beside herself! She asked if we would buy one for her. It never hurts to ask. 

We said no, just in case your forgot what blog you were reading. These parents don't pay full price for over-hyped, sub-quality toys.

It was all Emma could talk about after the fair. One day she used chairs and baskets and found her forgotten piggy bank where I hid it on top of a tall book shelf. She's quite the thinker and remembered that she had stashed birthday money in the bank. It wasn't with the money I keep visible for chores she completes (the total in that jar was about $1.25). Next, she wanted me to help her count the piggy bank money. Our impromptu math lesson came up with a total of $37 and change. She's been saving her birthday money for a few years now... make that 5 years.

"Is that enough for a Pillow Pet?" She asked excitedly.


Over-hyped, sub-quality toy or excited little girl?

I said it was and yes, she could buy a Pillow Pet when we went to the fair that next Sunday.

That would be the end of the story. Not really touching. Not really blog worthy. But there is more....

On Saturday, the day before the day we like to call "Pillow Pet Dreams Fulfilled Day", Emma was having a huge attitude problem. It started when I asked her to help me pick green beans and she preferred to sit in the car. She wouldn't work and I was taking away privileged left and right, but she didn't care. She lost her tv privilaged, then her dessert, and her later bedtime. 

Then I told her to help me snap beans when we got home. How could I? 

Her attitude was getting so bad that it was turning into a horrible fit, screaming and saying nasty things. The discipline I was prescribing was only escalating the situation. It used to work! I was losing my temper and she had already lost hers.  I was really at the end of my knowledge of what to do with her. I put her in time out and I went to my room to calm down. I prayed for wisdom. I prayed for patience. And I prayed for my daughter, showing behavior that was so contrary to the desires I have for her to be a Godly young woman.

God didn't speak audibly to me, but He did bring to my mind a blog post I read a long time ago written by my friend Season. She was describing a fit her daughter was having at the park and how she made it "unproductive" for her daughter to continue her tantrum. I thought about Emma's behavior and how it started because she was unwilling to help with work we needed to do as a family (me and the girls). And also that her behavior escalated to disobedience. While I prayed and thought, I clearly saw my beautiful daughter acting this same way as a teenager. Out of control and selfish, she would ruin relationships and her hardened heart would not know the peace of a life lived in obedience to God.

What would be important enough to her that she would think before she chose selfishly?

The Pillow Pet.

I came out of my room and talked calmly (it was difficult) to her scowling face. I explained that she would no longer be getting the Pillow Pet. The yowling and screaming from her commenced again. She was disappointed now and her crocodile tears showed me that perhaps I had hit the mark. I went and got the envelope with her $20 in it for the Pillow Pet and I took out $1. I told her that I would take out a dollar for her fit.

She yowled louder.

I took out another dollar.

This continued until she finally got the idea and stopped crying. Emma was now missing $3, but talking to me calmly. Relief. We talked for quite awhile about her behavior and she said she was sorry for how she acted. "Now can I get a pillow pet?"

My lecture went something like this, "You selfishly did not want to help your family and that is why I took money away from you. You will only find happiness when you love others above yourself. You do not get what you want when you act disobediently."

She thought about it for awhile and then asked if she could earn the money back. I told her it would be 12 chores at .25c each and each chore would be serving her family. If she had any bad attitude problems I would take away another dollar. With a smile on her face she asked me all afternoon, "What can I do next?"

It was quite the challenge to find 12 chores, but I was proud of her for working hard.... bad attitude long gone this time. Dusting the living room, vacuuming, folding laundry, sweeping, cleaning out the car, unloading the dishwasher.... to name a few.  She earned her money back and prayed that night, "God please help me to obey and be a good girl." Although it was an emotionally tough day I was thankful for it and just as excited as Emma about the Pillow Pet Acquisition.

It was finally Sunday, "Pillow Pet Dreams Fulfilled Day." We went to the fair and Jeff took Mandy and Rem to the garden area to play while Emma and I went to find the Pillow Pet display. Mandy knew what was happening and she wanted a Pillow Pet as well. We knew there would be disappointment, but it would be a lesson for her. Emma and I went to the booth and she happily picked out a lamb and handed the sale's lady the heavy envelope with her money in it. The older women looked surprised and asked if it was $20. I said, yes, it was $20 and Emma had earned the money. She remarked, "I've never seen that before." We smiled and said thank you as we left with Emma's lamb Pillow Pet, the fulfillment of her dreams. The sale's lady called me back and picked up another Pillow Pet off the table and tossed it to me. "She needs two. Have a good day."

Emma and I were both surprised. A free Pillow Pet? Then Emma said without hesitation, "Now we have one to give to Mandy!" When we approached Jeff, Mandy, and Rem, Emma ran to them and gave Mandy the pink bunny thingy. Mandy was delighted! I loved the look on Jeff's face that said, "You didn't buy another stupid stuffed animal just so Mandy would have one too.... did you?" I told him what happened and we reveled in the blessing.

As parents we realize that life isn't fair. We know that our children have to learn things the hard way sometimes. Emma learned through her efforts the day before that hard work and a good attitude are things we have control over. We pray she continues to work hard in obedience with a good attitude! Blessings along the way are an encouragement. For grown-ups and kids too.

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Selasa, 14 September 2010

Single Image

I think this may be my favorite image from New York Fashion Week...


p.s. sorry for the lack of posts, it's been a busy couple of weeks... more soon! Read More.. Read More..

Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Ring Bearer For Hire

Wedding prep is in full swing around here. Grandma Bonnie and Bill's wedding is just around the corner. Rem is not actually going to be a ring bearer. You can tell he's really broken up about it. But he got a matching suit -- my nephews, Ben (5) and Nano (3), and my cousin's son, Luke (3), are the real workers during the ceremony. The girls are flower girls. Emma is wearing a dress that I borrowed from a friend (her niece wore it as a flower girl a few years ago). It is a beautiful brown embroidered taffeta. I am re-making the flower girl dress Emma wore in April for Mandy to wear. I'm adding a fluffy petticoat, a sash and some bows along the bottom, plus shortening the straps. I feel just like the mice in Cinderella.

Stay tuned for pictures. I am the official wedding photographer. Oh, the pressure!

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Kamis, 09 September 2010

Resting in friendship.

I was 16, nervous to the soles of my perfectly white Keds, and getting ready to fly from Portland to San Diego. I was taking a summer position to work in the dining hall at a Christian conference center on Palomar Mountain. I knew the director and his wife and that was it.

Did I mention I was nervous to the soles of my perfectly white Keds?

I worried I wouldn't make any friends. Little did I know that after a month at camp I would call my mom to have her extend the date of my plane ticket so I could stay another month. The girls I lived and worked with covered the spectrum of personality traits from daring to cautious, silly to quiet. During those late night talks, long, meandering hikes, treasured days off, and short afternoons by the pool, I got to know a group of girls whose friendships would forever be imprinted on my heart.

Hill, me, and Laura.
Seaside, Oregon 2010.

Our paths have taken us through life's ups and downs. Now the road reaches from Oregon, to Tennessee, to the Bay Area. College graduations, weddings, just-for-fun trips, babies, and family vacations brought us back to similar locations over the years and I'm grateful for those memories.  

This week we met again, a purposeful trip to celebrate Laura's coming baby. Between the 3 of us we are all happily married to good guys and we have 6 children! 3 girls (Emma, Mandy, and Hillary's daughter, Camille), and 3 boys (Rem, Hillary's son, Russell, and Laura's baby boy). Has life really changed that much in 15 years? Oh yes. Our normal days take us far from the realm of carefree days at camp. Yet together again (without children) we easily fell into the pattern of longs talks and long meandering walks. 

Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee, May 2008

Our last time all together was at Laura's in Nashville. Mandy was along and we had a great time. Flying with Mandy at 8 months was hard work. I remembered that on the 3 days I was all by myself this week. The last time that happened was 6 and a half years ago.  I could sleep in, eat whenever/whatever I wanted, and only took a nap if I chose to while watching an HGTV marathon. 

It was absolute bliss.

Hey look! It's Rem wearing pink.
Or Mandy at 8 months in May of 2008 in Nashville.

I was honored to fly to the Bay Area last September to meet up with Hill. She and I were expecting babies, both in October (her girl and my boy were born 2 weeks apart). I took pictures of Hill on the beach at Half Moon Bay. 

Oh what a difference a year can make. This July, Hillary and her family stopped at our place on their road trip.

Camille and Remington. Both turn 1 year old in less than a month. :)

On our most recent trip to the beach, I persuaded Laura to let me take a few maternity pictures of her. She is due on November 4th with her first, a baby boy. I remember not thinking maternity pictures were necessary with my first child. Do I really want to remember this? I remember thinking in my uncomfortable state. I have precisely 3 pictures of me pregnant with Emma and I look like I had bad gas in every single one. 

I wanted to give Laura pictures that show how beautiful she is a woman, a mother on the brink. She will look back and remember the time she carried her son with fond memories -- if she is anything like the rest of us moms who have terrible memories when it comes to remembering pregnancy with any kind of accuracy.

There are more pictures on my photography site:

All in all, it was a fantastic vacation. I left on Monday really excited to get a break from my family and I returned today with great excitement at seeing them again. Amazing how that works!

Special thanks Laura and Hillary for taking the long plane journeys to make our girls week an amazingly, fun reality. 

To my travel-agent-extraordinaire mother-in-law for finding us space at the timeshare during a busy week. 

To my parents for coming to ride herd on my munchkins. 

And to my wonderful husband who said, "Go, have a good time.

I have it made my friends. 

I am blessed beyond measure.

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Rabu, 08 September 2010


Starting to (mentally) build my Fall wardrobe...

Madewell Campfire Shirt ($69.50), RGB Mink Polish ($14), Steven Alan Remy Skirt ($188), Madewell Road Boots ($248). Read More.. Read More..

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Minggu, 05 September 2010

The Comeys

I've received a lot of questions regarding the Rachel Comey boots - so I thought I'd do a quick follow-up post.

Here's a snap of my Rachel Comey Mars boot... Which are (sadly) going back for two reasons: 1. They are grey, I thought they were black, 2. They are too big.

I'll expand: I shopped around for these boots for several weeks before deciding to go with practical black. I purchased them online at La Garconne because they had my size and free shipping. However, I failed to notice that while they looked black in the photo, they were actually grey - pretty light grey in real life. I was so excited to purchase them that I guess I forgot to read the important details (color, duh!) As far as sizing, I am a 6- 6.5. I ordered a 6.5 knowing that they are pretty narrow in the toe. The toe area fits great but my heels slip quite a lot (even in thicker socks). With cheaper shoes I'd probably just deal with it, but I think these should fit perfectly.

Not sure if I'll make this style work or move on... But hope this helps! Read More.. Read More..

Kamis, 02 September 2010

CHM (Chief Household Manager)

I am the Chief Household Manager and my duties are many. Dozens of sub-titles exist under this one heading. I take care of most things that fall in the "household" category including, but not limited to, making sure the shower grout is still white-ish and not moldy (Utility Spore Inspector), looking for 46 unmatched socks after each load of laundry (Missing Items Specialist), and occasionally shoveling out the vehicles so garbage doesn't spill out when we open the doors (Transportation Hazardous Waste Crew Leader) .

One job I was unprepared for when I signed on the dotted line and took this position, was that of Chief Wardrobe Controller. Every member of the family has clothes.... and I'm in charge of them. Outgrown, out of season, out of style (ehem, darling husband, you cannot wear wide-rib, black corduroy pants), worn out, reparable or irreparable... The more people in the family, the more colossal the task.

I had a hard time keeping up with everyone's wardrobe when it was just one baby who was growing through clothes. I kept all of Emma's clothes in nice blue totes.... 15 5 gallon containers for just 0-24 months. It was really insane how many clothes she had. Insane.

Then Mandy came along and grew through clothes even faster. She didn't stay consistent in the sizes like Emma had and is wearing 3T or 4T at age 2. Confused? So is my almighty tote system.

Rem didn't have even a shred of clothing until he was just about to be born. Friends would ask, "Do you need any baby boy clothes?" And I said yes. The donations started rolling in. I counted one day and realized we received blessed hand-me-down clothing from 10 different sources. Really kind friends and family who had baby boys who were no longer babies. There were some new clothes too and that is always fun. No need to worry -- the boy now has plenty of clothes.

I a couple of tricks to hopefully help us all keep our wardrobe monitoring system under control. Here are some ideas I gleaned from wise and experienced friends:

  • Limit the outfits per child. Older children will take better care of clothes when their aren't so many items. My friend Season told me this trick that she uses in her household of 7 kids, 2 adults. She suggests 8 outfits, including Sunday clothes, per child. Great idea! I think my children have 30 outfits along on the floor of their room any given evening.

  • Save a few nice things out for each coming season so you can refresh the outfits after a few months. Great idea for winter when there are lots of events a few months into the cool weather season and chances are all the winter clothes look warn and/or stained already. -- Jenni B. (mom to 4)

  • Be generous with what you have. What goes around comes around. If you have extra, share with a friend. When you are in need, someone will share with you. I heard this from a mom I attend MOPS with. When Remington was born, this principle was so true when people gave me clothes for him for absolutely free. A blessing I am now passing on as I am giving away Rem's outgrown clothes.

  • Organize by size and by season. This is especially true when you have 2 children of the same gender but who are different sizes at different seasons. It's more work at first, but quicker when you are looking for the next items for the next child.

That's all I've got. Any tips out there to share?

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Rabu, 01 September 2010

Two Looks

Two great looks floating around this week...

(Images via Refinery29 and Sportsgirl) Read More.. Read More..

Introducing. Drops Of Living Water. And Giveaway!

I'm excited to share with you about Drops. A new daily devotional site for moms. The drops site posts Monday through Friday devotionals with a scripture passage. It is designed to inspire busy moms to open the Word and be inspired. It is a collaboration of writers (I am one of them), all mothers with young children, and some posts will even be excerpts from books that are applicable to this stage in life. 

The idea for Drops came from my sister, Andrea. She told me about her idea for Drops a few years ago and it went in one ear and out the other. She has always had the dream of writing a book. Not me. I hoped it would be something that worked out for her. All the while, God was working on my heart, showing me that I had a story that needed to be shared with other moms. I know my journey of working through anger and finding a closer relationship with God is identifiable to other moms. I felt encouraged to write and it was when both Andrea and I were ready to take on a project that everything started coming together.

This is the first day of Drops. Our site just opened and can be found at We'll be starting the daily devotionals on Tuesday (after the holiday). To start things off right, we are doing a giveaway! Head over to the site to see the beautiful necklace pendant that was designed specifically for us. It is called the Living Drop Pendant from Happley Made. I hope you will leave a comment on Drops and enter to win and I also hope that you stop in on a daily basis to read the Word and be encouraged.

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