
Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008


I think we all do it. We hop from place to place on this great expansive internet. I have no idea how it works. I just know that I can hop from one thing that looks interesting to another thing that looks interesting and suddenly I've spent the girls' entire nap time looking at stuff that was interesting. Today I was looking for articles to put in the MOPS newsletter. I started with an idea about I Corinthians 13, the love chapter in the Bible, and ended up on mommy blogs. 

This one article made me cry. I love this lady's style of writing and I will be back to her blog, thankful for the relative peace and quiet of my 2 children. This crazy place of blogging take us into the hearts and lives of a huge number of people. I learn from them and they learn from me, even though I won't ever meet them in real life. We share, not knowing really who cares or not (unless you leave a comment). I have friends who say, "I would never blog," like it is some kind of sin we bloggers have fallen in to. After one conversation about blogging, I evaluated my motives. Why do I blog? I started posting pictures and short stories in April of '05 after someone commented that I was emailing too many pictures of my baby. (In truth, I dressed her up as an outlaw and made up stories about her. I really needed to blog.) This friend didn't say how annoying I was in so many words, but I got the idea that people who don't have kids do not want to be bombarded with sweet stories and huge picture files in their email. Even people who have kids don't need to be bombarded. I started to blog so I could share my stories and pictures with whoever cared. My following used to be just my mom and one of the first of my blog friends, Annie. 

Quickly, the blogging trend had caught on and moms post pictures of their precious children and timeless stories all the time. I love the sharing. I also love comments because then I know you care. I've made some amazing friends because of this blog. Why do you stop by? What made you hop to this address? Who watches by blog and logs on in Lebanon (that one is really puzzling me). And if you have a blog, why do you do it? Just curious. Have a great day.

PS I found a great article for the MOPS newsletter, so I didn't waste my entire afternoon. I'll post it on the MOPS blog in a week or so.

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