
Jumat, 21 November 2008

Sewing hand cramps at daycare with yellow nutrition

I've been sewing a lot lately. It all started when we were preparing for my parent's visit for Emma's birthday and we knew they were bringing the rather large kitchen my dad built for Emma. We needed to make room in her bedroom and that meant taking my "hope chest" up to our room. It is filled with my out of season/maternity clothes. Already in our room is a trunk filled with fabric and we were about to move in another heirloom trunk and it also needed to go in our room. (Call me Extreme Makeover Home Addition and let's have a trunk/chest theme room). 

I was thinking I could consolidate some and maybe get rid of the fabric trunk or at least relegate it to the basement. Opening that lid was frightening. What I found were lots and lots of unfinished projects -- yards of lovely (at one time) fabric that sat abandoned with their patterns and thread, sometimes for years. It was really pathetic and I felt ashamed for my fabric gluttony. I love to go shopping and dream up crafts, I am a creative person after all, but I rarely finish the projects. So I put myself in fabric boot camp, making a goal for myself to finish projects and either give them away or sell them. My goal is to work my way through the huge pile before Christmas. 

I forbade myself from buying anything new for any creative projects I dream up and I MUST finish my goal or.... else. I still haven't decided on a consequence if I do not I use up all my fabric, but anything is better than the over-load of stuff that I have now. My first project is making tote bags out of the fabric that is left over from projects like quilts I've made over the years. I borrowed this idea from my immensely creative friend, Lindsay who is alway sewing cool things. The re-usable grocery style bags are really popular here and I actually use 5 for grocery shopping. I get .06 cents each time I use a recycled bag, so I am all for it. I decided that many people would rather have a nice looking bag to use (rather than bright green from WM). I have completed 3 and used up about 1/567 of my fabric stash. Watch out. You may receive one of these beauties as a gift.

This week I also sewed a curtain and a table clothe from fabric I bought in Africa and of course it took me 2 years to do anything with it. I am so ashamed. Do you crafty people have any more ideas for me of projects that use LOTS of fabric and are also useful? I am getting a little tired of the totes. :)

I made rag a quilt from an ambitious project that I bought fabric for more than a year ago and never even started. My original plan was to make a twin size quilt and a crib quilt for the girls that matched. They would have been lovely, but instead I made this one for new baby Libby.

Since we didn't know Libby's gender until she was born on Wednesday, I quickly worked on putting it together. If you've never made one of these blankets out of flannel, you really should. They are easy and fast (except for all the seam snipping that causes hand cramps) and SO snuggly cute. 


Mandy was quite enamored with the quilt and tugged it off my lap and ran away with it when I was in the midst of a debilitating hand cramp. Thankfully I was able to uncurl one of my fingers to snap this picture of the thief snuggled up on the couch. 

In other news, I started watching a little 2 year old girl for a few hours a week. We go to church with her family and she's a good fit with us. Even though I swore I would NEVER, EVER, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS do daycare, I decided to give this a try since Emma knows little Grace from Sunday School. Emma takes care of her mostly -- don't tell her mom that I am not doing any work.

The girls like to play the piano. 

Mandy just woke up from a nap and I gave her lunch. She is a picky eater and isn't at an age of reasoning yet, so I tend to give her things I know she will eat instead of watching them fly off her highchair tray (we've been working on that nasty habit and now she only throws food when she is mad. A bonus). Today she had chicken nuggets, cheese and oranges. If I was trying to keep all her food the same color, I succeeded.

Such a lovely combination on her yellow tray. 

I try not to think of the combination that is coming in the diaper.

On that note. Have a great day.

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