
Jumat, 09 April 2010

Following friends...

I am what you would call a slow friend maker. I've always been this way. With each new person I meet, it feels like an awkward first date. Am I laughing too much? I am not laughing enough? I can't seem to think of a single thing to say until I'm alone again. Why am I thinking of Abraham Lincoln right now? "It takes a long time to grow an old friend," someone wise once said. In most cases, the proverbial first date is followed by a second and pretty soon all the jitters are gone and I feel myself again and I have a new friend. I have few, but deep friendships.

My slow-friend-making issues are one of the many reasons I love to blog and I love to blog hop. I can skip the awkward first date and read the Cliff-notes on a person's life. I sure wish I could have had this social medium in high school. I remember my Junior year, new to the school, I was just getting comfortable with one or two people by Christmastime. Then a girl started attending school second semester. It took her 3 point 1 nano seconds to makes friends and be like "best buds" with every single person in the school. She obviously lived by the quote, "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen."

Now that I've shared my sob story, I have one more thing to point out that isn't fair. I've been blogging for nearly 5 years. 5 years! In that time, I've amassed 30 followers to this blog. I love you all dearly, really I do. But just a itsy-bitsy part of me wants to be one of the popular people.  I have a friend who reminds me of Miss Second Semester and her instant friend making abilities. She started blogging 3 months ago and take a guess at how many followers she has..... 62. Sheesh I say.

Sure she's funny. Sure she writes thought provoking things every day and has super cute kids. And sure she has great photography skills. Not to mention having over 600 friends on Facebook. I don't think I've even met 600 people in my whole life, let alone that many people who actually remember who I am. I am resisting putting her link because I know every single person reading this will skip right over my sniveling and go to her blog and become her follower instead of mine. And her friend on Facebook. My sister is her friend on Facebook. I asked how she new this uber-popular friend and she said, "Oh, you know, we sat next to each other at a wedding about 7 years ago." I am POSITIVE I've never made a friend that quickly.

"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde

I'm happy for you Joy (at and all your 62-followers-in-3-months-success, really I am. Such a fine nature I have. I'm not envious at all. Not even a little.


PS If you are interested in becoming a follower, just scroll down until you see "Followers" in the left column of this blog. Click "become a follower" and you are in. Your bank account will be drained, you will be reqired to comment on my blog and so on and so forth. Thanks for following!

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