
Senin, 01 Juni 2009

a break from routine

Last week I was disturbed to find out my mom was really sick. What at first was thought to be the flu was finally diagnosed as a bad infection. My dad took her to an all day excursion to ER on Sunday and they poked and prodded and finally got her figured out and on her way home. Andrea and her family visited on Monday and reported back that mom looked quite terminal rolling around in her wheel chair. There is nothing like a bad illness to remind us all of what is precious in life.

We were able to get away on Saturday afternoon, leaving the hay sit in the field (the bales multiply when you let them sit -- it is a well known fact). It was such glorious weather and perfect to be at the lake "recuperating" with mom. It was wonderful to see her on the mend and her strength returning. No wheel chair required.

If there was a Black Lake Beauty contest, Emma would enter it. She found a crown at a garage sale and has proudly worn it ever since. 

The lake was very busy with boat traffic and both girls enjoyed watching the jet skis and water skiers. It was so hot down at the beach and we all went wading.

Mandy kept busy transporting sand from one location to the next. Her activities these days are exercises in futility usually, but she is very active.

And of course they got nice and sandy...

We could have left Mandy at the lake and she would have been happy. 

On Sunday I visited our cousin and took pictures of her new baby, Benjamin (3 weeks old yesterday). I have lots of sweet newborn pictures to share, but here is just one to tide you over.

My house is frighteningly messy, so I'll wait to edit the rest of the pictures later. I'll post them on my photography blog (click here).

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